Pink Perlitas, Colombia
Berries, Floral, Peach, Chocolate
Producer: Las Perlitas Cooperative
Region: Huila
Variety: Pink Bourbon
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1,600m - 2,100m
We never get tired of the delicate floral and juicy berry like notes coming from Las Perlitas Cooperative and this year is even more special, we have a Pink Bourbon coming from them.
Some of the biggest problems for small coffee farmers are their limited ability to produce volume and lack of facilities. Colombian farmers usually have 1 to 2 hectares to produce coffee and thus lack the capacity for experimentation and innovation. As a result, farmers are often unable to produce a large enough quantity to produce a single plot suitable for export. However, their coffee can be of high quality with a complex profile, reflecting the farmer's hard work and dedication. Las Perlitas is a clear example of the work done to help small farmers get fair compensation for their quality.
Behind the coffee that contributes to Las Perlitas are small farmers committed to producing high quality coffee through experimentation and constant improvement. To provide the opportunity to include these smaller batches, our trading partner in Colombia buys all coffee of 83 points and above, regardless of volume. The lots are then grouped based on flavor profile.
From the coffee purchased from this crop, certain coffees are set aside to be displayed as 'Las Perlitas' or 'the little pearls'. It is a combination of coffees with similar profiles of 86 points and above, of comparable or better quality than any micro lot. These coffees represent some of the very best results of the season. To create such a lot, small micro lots are selected that represent no more than 10% of the total. Those lots are then mixed to create larger Las Perlitas lots. Qualitatively they are comparable to a Micro lot.
250g pack